公務員試験 H30年 法務省専門職員 No.3解説

 問 題     


One of the major attribution tasks we face is deciding whether an observed behavior reflects something about the person or something about the situation in which we observed the person. The former option is called a A . We infer that something about the person is primarily responsible for the behavior.

Fritz Heider, the founder of attribution theory, noted that an individual's behavior is so compelling to us that we take it as a face value representation of a person and give insufficient weight to the circumstances surrounding it. Research has confirmed Heider's observation. If we observe someone behaving aggressively, we too readily assume that he or she has an aggressive personality, rather than concluding that the situation might have provoked similar aggression in anyone. The B occurs when we underestimate the situational influences on behavior and assume that some personal characteristic of the individual is responsible.

《中 略》

An experiment designed as a quiz game illustrates how both participants and observers make the same B in the same setting. Pairs of male or female participants were recruited to take part in a question-and-answer game testing general knowledge. One member of the pair was randomly assigned to be the questioner and to make up 10 difficult questions to which he or she knew the answers. The other participant acted as the contestant and attempted to answer the questions. When the contestant was unable to answer a question, the questioner gave the answer. In a reenactment of the study, observers watched the contest. After the game, both participants and observers were asked to rate the level of general knowledge possessed by the questioner and the contestant, relative to that possessed by the "average student." Note that participants and observers all knew that the roles of questioner and contestant had been assigned randomly.

C judged both themselves and the D to be about average in level of general knowledge. But D rated the C as superior and themselves as inferior to the average student. D attributed the outcome of the game to their (and the C 's) level of knowledge rather than taking into account the overwhelming situational advantage enjoyed by the questioner, who was able to decide which questions to ask and to omit any questions to which he or she did not know the answer( Ross, Amabile, & Steinmetz, 1977).






正解 (2)

 解 説     

A の前後を含めた第一段落に注目します。冒頭から見ると「One of the major attribution tasks … is deciding whether an oboserved behavior reflects something about the person or …about the situation…。The former option is called a A」 とあります。

問題文冒頭に「帰属」とあることもヒントとして「attribution」は帰属と訳します。observe は「観察する」です。observed なので「観察される」と訳します。behavior が「ふるまい」です。「主要な帰属課題の 1 つは、観察されたふるまいが、その人となりを反映するか、状況を反映するかどうかを決定することである。前者を A と呼ぶ」 といった内容です。

前者=「ふるまいが人となりを反映する」です。「自動販売機に蹴りを入れていた」というふるまいを見て「いやーこの人怖い人だわー」と考えるといったことです。これは別に「mis…」、すなわち「誤り」ではないと考えられます。従って、 A は「dispositional attribution」です。正解は 1 ~ 3 です。ちなみに、dispositional attribution → 属性帰属 です。

B ですが
選択肢を見ると「self – serving bias」が「自己奉仕バイアス」です。こちらがなんとなく字面からも意味がとれるのではないでしょうか。自己奉仕バイアスとは、成功は自分の手柄とするのに失敗の責任を取らない人間の一般的傾向といえます。これも確かに帰属に関する用語ですが、本文の内容は「他者のふるまいを見て、その人となりを反映するのか、状況を反映するのか」という話題なので、明らかに異なると判断できるのではないでしょうか。B は「fundamental attribution error」です。基本的な帰属の錯誤と呼ばれます。正解は 1 or 2 です。

C,D ですが
難しい問題の回答者が誤答した時に、質問者が「正解は~です。」と述べるという実験により、回答者が自分を平均より頭悪く、質問者が平均より頭良いと考えるいう話です。D rated the C as superior to the average/ and / D rated themselves as inferior to the average という2文が、and でつながり、共通部分が略されている所に注目します。D に入るのは 「回答者」、C に入るのが「質問者」です。従って、C は questioner、D は contestant です。 

以上より、正解は 2 です。
