公務員試験 H27年 法務省専門職員 No.9解説

 問 題     


Classical theories of cognitive development postulated that newborns did not understand the similarity between themselves and others. Newborns were said to be “solipsistic,” experiencing their own internal sensations and seeing the movements of others without linking the two (Piaget 1962). According to Jean Piaget, the imitation of facial gestures was first possible at one year of age, a landmark development that was a prerequisite for representational abilities. In sharp contrast,modern empirical work has shown that infants as young as forty-two A old successfully imitate adult facial gestures (Meltzoff& Moore 1983). Imitation is innate in humans.

Facial imitation presents a puzzle. Infants can see an adult’s face but cannot see their own faces. They can feel their own faces move but have no access to the feelings of movement in another person. How is facial imitation possible? One candidate is “active B mapping.” The crux of the view is that an infant represents the adult facial expression and actively tries to make his or her own face match that target. Of course,infants do not see their own facial movements, but they can use proprioception to monitor their own unseen actions and to correct their behavior. According to this view,the perception and production of human acts are represented in a common “supramodal”framework and can be directly compared to one another. Meltzoff and Moore (1997) provide a detailed account of the metric used for establishing cross-modal equivalence of human acts and its possible brain basis.

The findings on imitation suggest a common coding for perception and production. Work with adults analyzing brain sites and cognitive mechanisms involved in the imitation, perception,and imagination of human acts suggests they tap common processes (Jeannerod & Decety 1995; Prinz 1990). Neurophysiological studies show that in some cases the same neurons become activated when monkeys C an action as when they D a similar action made by another (Rizzolatti et al. 1996). Such “mirror neurons”may provide a neurophysiological substrate for imitation.

1. minutes intramodal perform observe
2. minutes intramodal observe perform
3. minutes intermodal perform observe
4. days intermodal observe perform
5. days intramodal perform observe






正解 (3)

 解 説     



postulate ・・・ 仮定する
solipsistic ・・・唯我的
prerequisite ・・・ 必修

『表情の模倣についての 1 つのモデル AIM』

represent ・・・ 似せる
supramodal ・・・ 超感覚的

『模倣の神経学的基盤としての ミラーニューロン』
coding ・・・符号化
perception ・・・知覚
production ・・・ 産出

以上をふまえ、A ~ D を検討します。

A ですが
知っていないと days を選びそうです。生後 0.7 時間(42 分)から「舌出し模倣」が確認されています。 A は minutes です。 1 ~ 3 が正解とわかります。

B ですが
intra ~ が「~内の」、inter ~ が「~間の」という接頭語です。B の前の部分の文で「乳幼児は、大人の顔を見れるが、自身の顔は見れない。自分の顔の動きを知覚できるが、他者の動きは知覚できない。どうやって表情の模倣が可能なのか?」とあります。そして、B の後の文で「・・・ターゲットに自分の顔をマッチさせようと試みる」という部分があります。

以上をふまえると「(自分と他者の)感覚『間』 積極的マッピング」の方が妥当と考えられます。B は intermodal です。これにより、正解は 3 です。 C は perfome、 D は observe が入ります。observe は、本文では「観察する」という意味です。他にも守る、述べる という意味がある点に注意が必要です。

以上より、正解は 3 です。
