公務員試験 H26年 法務省専門職員 No.10解説

 問 題     

次は犯罪者プロファイリングに関する記述であるが、A B Cに当てはまるものの組合せとして最も妥当なのはどれか。

 The profiling of someone’s personal characteristics is more commonly associated with
offender profiling. The types of characteristics profiled include demographic characteristics
such as an offender’s gender, age, ethnicity, and educational and employment history. This
approach assumes that the way a crime is committed is related to the characteristics of the
person, which enables the profiler to draw inferences about the characteristics of a criminal
from the way in which he or she behaved during the crime.

 The different approaches to this type of profiling can be broadly broken down into three
categories. The first is what is known as A profiling. This approach aims to generate
A relationships between actions displayed at crime scenes and offender characteristics
and is carried out through the use of large-scale B of solved crimes.

 An alternative approach is clinical profiling. Clinical profilers, rather than using
B of offenses, develop their inferences about an offender’s characteristics from their
clinical experience of working with apprehended offenders. They are therefore acting in a
similar way to A profilers, but their inferences are based on their own personal
experience and, of course, rely on their accurate recollection of these.

 Another approach to profiling is that of the FBI. On the basis of interviews with serial
offenders, FBI profilers have developed C of offenders that are thought to differ in
their offending behavior and therefore in their characteristics. One such example is the
distinction made between disorganized and organized murderers. This approach has
continued to develop with time, but other profilers have criticized the empirical basis of this
approach because of the small number of offenders on which the C were initially

   A    B    C
1. statistical databases typologies
2. statistical databases trait theories
3. statistical narratives trait theories
4. dynamic  narratives trait theories
5. dynamic  databases typologies






正解 (1)

 解 説     

A ですが
選択肢より、statistical:統計的 か dynamic:動的 が入る部分です。この前後だけではわからないので、とばして、B の前後を見ます。

選択肢より、B は databases:データベース か、narratives:物語 です。B の前後に注目すれば「large – scale B of solved crimes」とあり、「解決済み犯罪の大規模 B」 となれば、B はデータベースと考えられます。そして、データベースなら、A は「統計的」の方が適切と考えられます。正解は 1 or 2 です。

C ですが、前後に注目すれば
On the basis of interviews with serial offenders … have developed C … とあります。「連続犯人とのインタビューに基づき発達した C」なので、typologies:類型学 と考えられます。ちなみに trait theory は「特性理論」です。

以上より、正解は 1 です。
