公務員試験 H29年 法務省専門職員 No.12解説

 問 題     

ドア・イン・ザ・フェイス・テクニック(door-in-the-face technique)に関する記述として最も妥当なのはどれか。

1.This technique is a procedure for creating resistance to persuasion by exposing people to weak persuasive attacks that are easily refused. This helps people to practice defending their attitudes, as well as making them aware that their attitudes can be challenged, and thereby creates resistance to subsequent stronger messages.

2.This technique is a procedure for enhancing compliance by first obtaining agreement to a request and then revealing the hidden costs of this request. Compliance to the target request is greater than would have been the case if these costs had been made clear at the time of the initial request.

3.This technique is a two-step procedure for enhancing compliance in which an extreme initial request is presented immediately before the more moderate target request. Rejection of the initial request makes people more likely to accept the target request than would have been the case if the latter had been presented on its own.

4.This technique is a two-step procedure for enhancing compliance in which a minor initial request is presented immediately before the more substantial target request. Agreement to the initial request makes people more likely to agree to the target request than would have been the case if the latter had been presented on its own.

5.This technique is a two-step procedure for enhancing compliance that consists of presenting an initial, large request and then, before the person can respond, immediately reducing it to a more modest target request. The target request is sometimes made more attractive by offering some additional benefit. Compliance with the target request is greater following the initial request than would have been the case if the target request had been presented on its own.






正解 (3)

 解 説     


「This technique is a two-step procedure」という最初の部分から3~5に注目します。選択肢 3 を読んでいくと「an extreme initial request」(最初の極端な要求)、「before the more moderate target request」(より穏やかな目標の要求の前に) といった部分から、妥当であると判断できるのではないでしょうか。ちなみに compliance は「応諾」です。

以上より、正解は 3 です。
