公務員試験 H26年 法務省専門職員 No.16解説

 問 題     

次の A~D はロジャーズ (Rogers, C. R., 1957) の「セラピーによるパーソナリティ変化の必要にして十分な条件」のうちカウンセラーの態度について説明したものである。このうち,ロジャーズのいう純粋性(genuineness)に関する記述のみを挙げているのはどれか。

A. It means that within the relationship the therapist is freely and deeply himself,with his actual experience accurately represented by his awareness of himself. It is the opposite of presenting a facade, either knowingly or unknowingly. It is not necessary (nor is it possible) that the therapist be a paragon who exhibits this degree of integration, of wholeness, in every aspect of his life. It is sufficient that he is accurately himself in this hour of this relationship,that in this basic sense he is what he actually is,in this moment of time.

B. It is at the opposite pole from a selective evaluating attitude― “You are bad in these
ways,good in those.”It involves as much feeling of acceptance for the client’s expression
of negative, “bad,”painful, fearful, defensive, abnormal feelings as for his expression of
“good,”positive,mature, confident, social feelings, as much acceptance of ways in which
he is inconsistent as of ways in which he is consistent.

C. To sense the client’s private world as if it were your own, but without ever losing the
“as if”quality, and this seems essential to therapy. To sense the client’s anger, fear, or
confusion as if it were your own, yet without your own anger, fear, or confusion getting
bound up in it, is the condition we are endeavoring to describe.

D. This includes being himself even in ways which are not regarded as ideal for
psychotherapy. His experience may be “ I am afraid of this client ” or “ My attention is so
focused on my own problems that I can scarcely listen to him.”  If the therapist is not
denying these feelings to awareness, but is able freely to be them (as well as being his
other feelings), then the condition is met.

1. A C
2. A D
3. B C
4. B D
5. C D






正解 (2)

 解 説     

B ですが
「It is … opposite…from … evaluating attitude…」という部分に注目します。「評価的態度の反対」なので「受容的態度」についてと考えられます。純粋性についてよく知らなくても、これではないと判断できるのではないでしょうか。

C ですが
「To sense … as if it were your own…」に注目します。「共感的態度」についてと考えられます。B と同様に、純粋性についてよく知らなくても、これではないと判断できるのではないでしょうか。

以上より、A,D です。正解は 2 です。
