公務員試験 H29年 法務省専門職員 No.3解説

 問 題     


The connection between emotion and autonomic arousal provides the basis for the polygraph, a device that records autonomic fluctuations while a subject is questioned. The polygraph was invented in 1915 by psychologist William Marston. A polygragh can ‘ t actually detect lies. It's really an emotion detector. It monitors key indicators of autonomic arousal, typically heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, and A . The assumption is that when people lie, they experience emotion (presumably anxiety) that produces noticeable changes in these physiological indicators. The polygraph examiner asks a subject a number of B questions to establish the person's baseline on these autonomic indicators. Then the examiner asks the critical questions and observes whether the subject's autonomic arousal changes.

The polygraph has been controversial since its invention. Polygraph advocates claim that lie detector tests are about 85%-90% accurate and that the validity of polygraph testing has been demonstrated in empirical studies, but these claims clearly are not supported by the evidence. Methodologically sound research on the validity of polygraph testing is surprisingly sparse (largely because it is difficult research to do), and the limited evidence available is not very impressive. Part of the problem is that people who are telling the truth may experience emotional arousal when they respond to incriminating questions.

Thus, polygraph tests sometimes lead to accusations against people who are C . Another problem is that some people can lie without experiencing anxiety or autonomic arousal. The heart of the problem, as Leonard Saxe (1994) notes, is that "there is no evidence of a unique physiological reaction to deceit".






正解 (2)

 解 説     


A についてですが
heart rate :心拍、blood pressure :血圧、respiration rate:呼吸数 と並列する A となっています。ERP は「事象関連電位」です。光、音、自発的運動などに伴う脳電位です。ポリグラフでモニターするものではありません。ポリグラフで測定するのは「皮膚の電気伝導度」です。皮膚を流れる電流の抵抗が皮膚の湿気で低くなることを「ガルバニック皮膚反応」といいます。正解は 1 ~ 3 です。

B を含む文章に注目すると
「ポリグラフ試験者は、多くの 「B」 質問を、被験者のベースラインを設けるために・・・」とあります。ベースライン、つまり、基準線を設けるための質問なので「nonthreatening」と考えられます。threaten は「恐れさせる」といった意味です。non がつくことで「恐れさせないような」「無難な」質問と思われます。正解は 1 or 2 です。

C ですが
「ポリグラフテストがしばしば、C である人に対して、罪に導いてしまう」 とあります。「無罪」を意味する「innocent」が入ると考えられます。guilty は有罪 という意味です。

以上より、正解は 2 です
