公務員試験 H26年 法務省専門職員 No.3解説

 問 題     

次はアトキンソンとシフリン (Atkinson, R. C. & Shiffrin, R. M., 1968) が提案した記憶のメカニズムに関する記述である。A、B、Cに当てはまるものの組合せとして最も妥当なのはどれか。なおAに入る用語は文脈により複数形になる場合がある。

Categorization mechanisms attempt to identify perceptual representations that reside in the A. As perceptual representations become categorized, representations of these categories enter the B.

For example,a category representation for chair might enter the B to represent the image of a chair in the visual A . Because the B is limited in capacity to around five pieces of information, it can only contain about five categorizations of the perceptual representations. Although the A may contain
perceptual representations for dozens of stimuli, the B can only contain category representations for about five of them.

Contrastively, the C can contain an indefinitely large number of category representations for entities perceived over the lifetime of an individual. In addition, procedures can be retrieved from the C to process category representations in the B . Such procedures could rehearse representations, transform them in various ways (e.g.,multiply each digit by 2),or integrate them into new representations (e.g.,integrate the letters,h,y,a,l,i,t,e into hyalite).

Consequently, theorists believed that the B was the means by which people integrate diverse information to form new representations.






正解 (5)

 解 説     


4行目 Because the B is limited in capacity to around five pieces of information, … に注目すると、 B が「限られた能力、大体5ピースの情報」といった日本語内容が読み取れると思います。すると、選択肢に注目すれば、これが「short – term memory」と判断できるのではないでしょうか。これにより、正解は 2 or 5 です。

すぐ次の Although the A may contain perceptual representations for dozens of stimuli, the B can only … に注目します。「perceptual representation :感覚表現/知覚表現」、「stimuli:刺激」です。A が多くの刺激に対する感覚表現を含む ので、A は「sensory memory」が妥当と考えられます。

以上より、正解は 5 です。
