公務員試験 2019年 国家一般職(行政) No.74解説

 問 題     

Select the appropriate combinations of words to fill in the blanks of the following passage.

Solar energy has the potential to ( A ) many of the environmental problems that have been associated with the ( B ) of electricity. Unlike fossil fuels, there is no pollution produced ( C ) solar power, and it is much safer than other methods such as nuclear energy. However, there are problems ( D ) solar energy as well. At night, it is necessary to store the energy that is created during the day, and solar panels require a lot of land to make enough electricity. Despite this, many people have hope that solar energy will become the way(  E ) in the future.






正解 (5)

 解 説     

空欄 A に注目すると、(A)  … problems となっており、選択肢 の単語の意味から solve (解決する)が妥当と考えられます。ちなみに他の選択肢の単語は answer ・・・答える、fix・・・修理する、improve ・・・向上させる、recover ・・・取り戻す です。

以上より、正解は 5 です。
